Week 4: Medicine + Technology + Art
Week 4 Blog: Medicine + Technology + Art The concepts from this week have been my favorite and by far the most fascinating material we have studied thus far. I plan on going into the medical field and have already taken numerous classes in which I’ve learned about many of the related topics discussed this week, so I find it almost difficult to pick what to talk about because it is all so interesting to me. I think the thing that struck me the most as such a direct connection between medicine/the human body and art was the discussion around plastic surgery. https://www.rd.com/health/healthcare/plastic-surgery-instagram/ Professor Vesna went into great length explaining how plastic surgery is such a good example of an intersection between art and science in part III of this week’s lecture. I understand plastic surgery to be a form of art for those who pay for it as well as medical professionals that perform it. Often, the decision is made in order t...