Extra Credit Event #4 Blog
Extra Credit Event Blog #4 My final event was the UCLA Design Media Arts “Weak or No Signal”, featuring 22 pieces from multiple artists. Photo from UCLA DMA 2018 MFA thesis exhibition https://www.artandeducation.net After this event, I looked up the Design Media Arts department and read about their mission. According to their website, their goal is to provide an extensive education in the subject, covering, “forms of visual communication, typography, interaction and interface design, ubiquitous computing, and virtual environments...” ( UCLA Design Media Arts Full ). The website displays a large gallery of works like this beautiful piece, “Misc Posters” by Stefanie Tam. This piece was also featured on the website “Trendlist” in September 2017, which I thought was awesome that this could be circulated easily throughout the visual media arts community. http://gallery.dma.ucla.edu/stefanietam.com/MISC-POSTERS Reading about Design Media Arts allowed me to better understa...